reintegración social ámbito penitenciario

Social Reintegration from the Penal System: Commitment of Fundación Manantial

At Fundación Manantial, we recognise the critical importance of social reintegration for people with mental health disorders within the penal systems. Our primary objective is to prevent deprivation of liberty, actively promoting alternative measures and collaborating to care for those already deprived of their freedom.

Prevention and Early Intervention

We believe in the power of prevention and early intervention as key tools to prevent people with mental disorders from entering the penal system. We work tirelessly to identify and address their needs holistically, providing support and resources for a fulfilling and meaningful life in the community.

Specialised Services for Reintegration

Our services are specifically designed for maintenance and, when necessary, effective reintegration into the community. We focus on providing tools and skills to develop an autonomous and fulfilling life outside the penal system, including access to mental health services, employment, housing, education, and social support.

Adapting to Individual Needs

We adapt our programmes to each individual’s specific needs and abilities and offer personalised support to help them overcome obstacles and challenges.

Key Areas of Support in the Penal System

Escorting and Community Mediation

We offer care within prisons and escort the offenders on authorised temporary release and therapeutic leaves. With this, we aim to strengthen their link to the community resources and ensure all the necessary support for social reintegration.

Community Service

As an alternative measure to imprisonment, we encourage assigning activities of public utility focused on re-education and offering opportunities for personal development and contribution to the community.

Reincorporate Programme for Mental Health

We design personalised itineraries for social and labour market integration for people sentenced to prisons, improving their personal and professional skills and boosting their inclusion at work.

“Puente I Housing” Transitional Accommodation Programme

We provide temporary residential alternatives for those who do not have housing or need a stable place to obtain authorisation for prison leaves and temporary releases.

Information and Guidance Service

We provide free counselling on social and legal matters related to the judicial and penal systems, seeking alternatives to incarceration and ensuring adequate support.

Social reintegration process in the prison environment

Expanding Our Impact and Scope

Our commitment extends beyond direct services. We actively participate in forums and discussion platforms to advocate for public policies that recognise and address the special needs of people with mental health disorders within the penal system. We are dedicated to shaping systemic change, promoting a more humane and effective approach to mental health treatment in the criminal justice system

Good Practices in Legal Protection

Our “Code of Good Practice for the Exercise of Legal Protection Measures”, published in 2018, reflects our commitment to transparency and continuous improvement. This code is an open and participatory instrument to enrich our work and guide future legislative reforms.

Commitment of Fundación Manantial

At Fundación Manantial, we are dedicated to creating an environment where social reintegration is an accessible and effective reality for people with mental health conditions within the penal system. We strive to provide comprehensive and personalised support while respecting each individual’s dignity and rights.

Desgravación fiscal

Deducción y desgravación  de donaciones a FUNDACIÓN MANANTIAL

Calcula cuánto te puedes desgravar.

Si has decidido hacerte socio o realizar un donativo puntual a FUNDACIÓN MANANTIAL España te informamos que puedes desgravarte estas donaciones de tu declaración de la renta.

Éstas son las deducciones aplicables a las donaciones que se realices a partir de 1 de enero de 2024 a favor de FUNDACIÓN MANANTIAL España, con la entrada de vigor del Real Decreto-Ley 6/2023, de 19 de diciembre, que modifica la Ley 49/2002, de 23 de diciembre, de régimen fiscal de las entidades sin fines lucrativos y de los incentivos fiscales al mecenazgo.

Personas Físicas (IRPF)

Primeros 250€

Resto a partir de 250€

Resto a partir de 250€ en Donaciones plurianuales*

Límite deducción base liquidable

Porcentaje de deducción





*Cuando durante 3 años se realicen donaciones a una misma entidad por importe igual o superior al del ejercicio anterior.

Personas Jurídicas (IS)

Donaciones en general

Donaciones plurianuales*

Límite deducción base imponible**

Porcentaje de deducción




*Cuando durante 3 años se realicen donaciones a una misma entidad por importe igual o superior al del ejercicio anterior.

**Las cantidades que excedan de este límite se podrán aplicar en los periodos impositivos que concluyan en los 10 años inmediatos y sucesivos.

  • Si resides en País Vasco o Navarra las deducciones puede ser aplicables.
  • Si eres persona física o jurídica no residente en España y obtienes rentas en nuestro país, tienes también un beneficio fiscal por el importe de tus donativos. Puedes consultarlo en

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Recuerda que para que podamos informar a la Agencia Tributaria del importe de tus cuotas y donativos es imprescindible que nos hayas facilitado tu NIF y domicilio.

Si quieres ampliar la información sobre estos beneficios fiscales, por favor, consulta la web de la Agencia Tributaria: