Embajadores de Salud Mental en Fundación Manantial

At Fundación Manantial, we count on the valuable collaboration of several ambassadors from different creative and professional fields. These individuals have joined us in our endeavour to raise awareness, educate and break the stigmas associated with mental health.

The Role of Our Ambassadors

Diversity of Voices and Experiences

Our ambassadors, from their fields of expertise, actively collaborate in our awareness campaigns for mental health. They participate in conferences, events, trainings and other activities, contributing significantly to the dissemination and visibility of issues related to mental health.

Transformation and Dialogue

Thanks to their commitment, we transform spaces into platforms for dialogue and comprehension. Stories of resilience and overcoming obstacles find a place to resonate and reach a wider audience. This allows better understanding and empathy towards people with mental health conditions.

Carolina Reoyo

Fernando León de Aranoa

Héctor Abad Faciolince

Laura Restrepo

Lola Larumbe

Marcos Giralt Torrente

Antonio Pau

Creating a Path to Change

Promoting Emotional Well-being

Together with our ambassadors, we are forging a path to a world where every person is valued and supported in their quest for emotional well-being and comprehension. Our mission is to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for everyone.

Awareness and education

The ambassadors play a crucial role in our awareness and education campaigns. Through their platforms and networks, they reach a diverse audience, spreading the message of the importance of mental health to different spheres of society.

Expanding Our Reach

Strategic Collaborations

Collaborations with our ambassadors are not just limited to one-off events. We work together on long-term strategies to increase the impact of our awareness and education campaigns.

Diversity and Representation

Our group of ambassadors reflects a diversity of voices and experiences, which is essential to effectively representing the manifold stories and experiences in the context of mental health.

Commitment to the Fight Against Stigma

The ambassadors help us in our fight against the stigma associated with mental health, challenging prejudice and promoting greater acceptance and understanding.

Participate and Support

Meet Our Ambassadors

We invite you to learn more about our ambassadors and their collaboration with Fundación Manantial. Click on their images to find out how each contributes to our cause and how their work supports our mission.

Join Our Cause

If you are inspired by the work of our ambassadors and would like to participate or support our cause, please get in touch with us. Every action counts in our mission to change perceptions about mental health and to support the people facing these challenges.

At Fundación Manantial, we are committed to creating a society where mental health is understood, respected and free of stigma. With the help of our ambassadors, we are moving towards this goal, united in the conviction that positive change is possible.

Contact us for more information or to learn more about our ambassadors.

Desgravación fiscal

Deducción y desgravación  de donaciones a FUNDACIÓN MANANTIAL

Calcula cuánto te puedes desgravar.

Si has decidido hacerte socio o realizar un donativo puntual a FUNDACIÓN MANANTIAL España te informamos que puedes desgravarte estas donaciones de tu declaración de la renta.

Éstas son las deducciones aplicables a las donaciones que se realices a partir de 1 de enero de 2024 a favor de FUNDACIÓN MANANTIAL España, con la entrada de vigor del Real Decreto-Ley 6/2023, de 19 de diciembre, que modifica la Ley 49/2002, de 23 de diciembre, de régimen fiscal de las entidades sin fines lucrativos y de los incentivos fiscales al mecenazgo.

Personas Físicas (IRPF)

Primeros 250€

Resto a partir de 250€

Resto a partir de 250€ en Donaciones plurianuales*

Límite deducción base liquidable

Porcentaje de deducción





*Cuando durante 3 años se realicen donaciones a una misma entidad por importe igual o superior al del ejercicio anterior.

Personas Jurídicas (IS)

Donaciones en general

Donaciones plurianuales*

Límite deducción base imponible**

Porcentaje de deducción




*Cuando durante 3 años se realicen donaciones a una misma entidad por importe igual o superior al del ejercicio anterior.

**Las cantidades que excedan de este límite se podrán aplicar en los periodos impositivos que concluyan en los 10 años inmediatos y sucesivos.

  • Si resides en País Vasco o Navarra las deducciones puede ser aplicables.
  • Si eres persona física o jurídica no residente en España y obtienes rentas en nuestro país, tienes también un beneficio fiscal por el importe de tus donativos. Puedes consultarlo en https://sede.agenciatributaria.gob.es/

¿Cómo hago para que mis donaciones a FUNDACIÓN MANANTIAL aparezcan automáticamente en el borrador de la Renta?

Recuerda que para que podamos informar a la Agencia Tributaria del importe de tus cuotas y donativos es imprescindible que nos hayas facilitado tu NIF y domicilio.

Si quieres ampliar la información sobre estos beneficios fiscales, por favor, consulta la web de la Agencia Tributaria: https://sede.agenciatributaria.gob.es/