Alianzas en Salud Mental

At Fundación Manantial, we deeply value collaboration and combined effort as essential means for a true and lasting impact on society. Our work towards mental health is enhanced and bolstered by the support and collaboration of various entities and organisations.

The Importance of Strategic Alliances

  • Public Administrations: Partners in Social Transformation

    Public Administrations are key partners in our effort to transform society. They are our strategic allies in promoting policies and programmes that foster inclusion and emotional well-being. Through these alliances, we have successfully launched innovative projects, prevention and awareness initiatives and support programmes for people with mental disorders.

    Hospital Universitario Infanta Leonor

    Hospital Universitario de Torrejón


  • Private Entities: Shared Commitment

    We recognise the immense value of the private entities that share our vision of a more inclusive world. Support and alliances with these entities are crucial to advancing our commitment to emotional well-being and equal opportunity.

  • Other Collaborating Entities: Unity in Diversity

    Throughout our history, we have forged alliances with diverse entities. These collaborations reflect a mutual understanding of the importance of mental health and demonstrate how different sectors can come together to be catalysts for positive social change.

    Red de Organizaciones Sociales del Entorno Penitenciario ( ROSEP)

    FEVOCAM, Federación de entidades de Voluntariado de la Comunidad de Madrid

    Plataforma del Voluntariado de la Comunidad Valenciana

    Plataforma para la salud mental y la empleabilidad juvenil

Maximising the Impact through Collaborations

Creating Support Networks

Our alliances are not limited to isolated collaborations; we seek to create strong and long-lasting support networks. We work closely with our partners to develop and boost programmes for a positive and sustainable impact on mental health.

Innovation and Joint Development

Collaborations with diverse entities allow us to innovate and develop new strategies and approaches in mental health care. These synergies enhance our ability to respond effectively to society’s changing needs.

Education and Awareness

Alliances are critical in our efforts to educate and raise awareness about mental health. Together, we are able to expand the visibility of our awareness campaigns, reaching a wider and more diverse audience.

Commitment to an Inclusive Society

Promoting Inclusion and Awareness

Our goal is to create a society where mental health is understood, respected and free of stigma. Collaborations with entities from different sectors are essential to promote this vision and make it a reality.

Invitation to Collaborate

We encourage other entities and organisations to join us in this transformative mission. Each new alliance expands our impact and brings us closer to a society that is more inclusive and supportive of those with mental health conditions.

At Fundación Manantial, we are convinced that collaboration and strategic alliances are vital to advancing our commitment to mental health. Together with our partners, we are creating a more inclusive and mindful future for all.

Contact us for more information or to join our alliances.

Desgravación fiscal

Deducción y desgravación  de donaciones a FUNDACIÓN MANANTIAL

Calcula cuánto te puedes desgravar.

Si has decidido hacerte socio o realizar un donativo puntual a FUNDACIÓN MANANTIAL España te informamos que puedes desgravarte estas donaciones de tu declaración de la renta.

Éstas son las deducciones aplicables a las donaciones que se realices a partir de 1 de enero de 2024 a favor de FUNDACIÓN MANANTIAL España, con la entrada de vigor del Real Decreto-Ley 6/2023, de 19 de diciembre, que modifica la Ley 49/2002, de 23 de diciembre, de régimen fiscal de las entidades sin fines lucrativos y de los incentivos fiscales al mecenazgo.

Personas Físicas (IRPF)

Primeros 250€

Resto a partir de 250€

Resto a partir de 250€ en Donaciones plurianuales*

Límite deducción base liquidable

Porcentaje de deducción





*Cuando durante 3 años se realicen donaciones a una misma entidad por importe igual o superior al del ejercicio anterior.

Personas Jurídicas (IS)

Donaciones en general

Donaciones plurianuales*

Límite deducción base imponible**

Porcentaje de deducción




*Cuando durante 3 años se realicen donaciones a una misma entidad por importe igual o superior al del ejercicio anterior.

**Las cantidades que excedan de este límite se podrán aplicar en los periodos impositivos que concluyan en los 10 años inmediatos y sucesivos.

  • Si resides en País Vasco o Navarra las deducciones puede ser aplicables.
  • Si eres persona física o jurídica no residente en España y obtienes rentas en nuestro país, tienes también un beneficio fiscal por el importe de tus donativos. Puedes consultarlo en

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Recuerda que para que podamos informar a la Agencia Tributaria del importe de tus cuotas y donativos es imprescindible que nos hayas facilitado tu NIF y domicilio.

Si quieres ampliar la información sobre estos beneficios fiscales, por favor, consulta la web de la Agencia Tributaria: