Youth and Mental Care

Prevention of mental health problems in young people in the educational environment.

#Rayadas is a social-educational intervention project aimed at young people between 12 and 18 years to boost their ability to take care of their mental health, improve their emotional well-being and prevent mental health problems in future.


Mental health has been identified as one of the main concerns of our country’s youth. The increasing rates of anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders and self-harm, especially since the pandemic, the lockdowns and restriction of social contact, are the most visible and alarming signs of the spread of emotional distress in the young population. In Spain, almost 46% of young people express feelings of emotional discomfort. The alarming figures have caused great concern among families, teachers, academic counsellors, policymakers and mental health care professionals over the mental well-being of young people.

Symptoms of persistent sadness, hopelessness, lack of concentration or difficulty sleeping should not be perceived as normal when it comes to young people. Although these emotions may be particularly common in teens and youth, it is important to address their emotional distress and encourage better coping skills to alleviate suffering, prevent more serious problems, and mitigate associated risk behaviours.

For young people, close friends and family members are their first choice when seeking help for emotional ups and downs or mental health challenges. Professional help is seen as an extreme situation which is not easily or immediately accessible. The educational environment is vital in the emotional well-being of the young population and in providing them with the tools and guidance necessary for a “healthy” management of their emotions and apprehensions.

Therefore, Fundación Manantial has launched the #Rayadas project, a preventive intervention for young people’s mental health and emotional well-being in the educational environment.

#Rayadas is a social-educational intervention programme integrated into the educational plan of the participating centres through the collaboration of experts from Fundación Manantial, who specialise in mental health and education, and the academic staff of the schools (Institutes of Secondary Education). The #Rayadas project is carried out through 10 sessions in which experts from Fundación Manantial work with students on emotional comprehension, expression and management, stress and anxiety management, other mental health problems, and seeking help under emotional distress. Our presence in educational institutions also opens a debate on the need to pay attention to mental health across education communities.

#Rayadas uses a participatory approach that draws on young people’s channels, words and codes for learning related to emotional care and the prevention of mental health disorders. This can also significantly impact the young generation’s relationship with relation, information and communication technologies (RICTs). On the one hand, they boast excellent potential in terms of support and information but on the other hand, their inappropriate use can pose a considerable risk to mental health, which must be identified and avoided. Under this project, we work hard to address and prevent some of the most harmful effects of social media and the internet on young people’s mental health, such as increased anxiety, altered sleep patterns and the damaging impact on self-esteem and self-image.

Desgravación fiscal

Deducción y desgravación  de donaciones a FUNDACIÓN MANANTIAL

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Éstas son las deducciones aplicables a las donaciones que se realices a partir de 1 de enero de 2024 a favor de FUNDACIÓN MANANTIAL España, con la entrada de vigor del Real Decreto-Ley 6/2023, de 19 de diciembre, que modifica la Ley 49/2002, de 23 de diciembre, de régimen fiscal de las entidades sin fines lucrativos y de los incentivos fiscales al mecenazgo.

Personas Físicas (IRPF)

Primeros 250€

Resto a partir de 250€

Resto a partir de 250€ en Donaciones plurianuales*

Límite deducción base liquidable

Porcentaje de deducción





*Cuando durante 3 años se realicen donaciones a una misma entidad por importe igual o superior al del ejercicio anterior.

Personas Jurídicas (IS)

Donaciones en general

Donaciones plurianuales*

Límite deducción base imponible**

Porcentaje de deducción




*Cuando durante 3 años se realicen donaciones a una misma entidad por importe igual o superior al del ejercicio anterior.

**Las cantidades que excedan de este límite se podrán aplicar en los periodos impositivos que concluyan en los 10 años inmediatos y sucesivos.

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